AI Human-in-loop
Got questions? Our AI turns your messy data into precise answers, with an exceptional aptitude for numbers.
Elevating Automation Safely.
Multilingual Models. True multilingual capabilities allow you to engage in Q&A in your chosen language, irrespective of the language of the source documents.
Citations Based Workflow. Multi-step validation, proprietary vectorization, and advanced filtering streamline data processes, ensuring precision and surfacing information from up to 100 sources per query.
Complex Human-in-loop Automation. AI can do a lot, but your critical processes need human oversight to ensure unmatched system accuracy and reliability.

Streamline your workflows.
Improve outcomes, reduce burnout.
Boost Efficiency Like Never Before. Automate the mundane with AI, freeing up your team to tackle high-value tasks with unparalleled speed and precision.
Elevate Decision-Making to New Heights. Harness the power of AI to analyze vast data sets, unveiling insights that drive smarter, data-backed decisions across the board.
Keep Burnout at Bay. Effortlessly
Let AI take the wheel on repetitive tasks, fostering a happier, more balanced workplace where burnout becomes a thing of the past.
Case studies. 
Understand our
innovations on real life examples.
Expert Network Transformation. Application of innovative generative AI solutions to both front and back office operations led to a substantial increase in productivity, a marked improvement in customer experience, and the creation of new revenue streams for a leading expert network.
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Private Equity Process Optimization. Tailored workflows and human-in-the-loop automation empower a leading private equity firm to expedite thorough due diligence and make more confident, high-conviction investment decisions.
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Public Sector Intelligence Enhancement. Neural search and generative AI can help government organizations quickly find more insights, leading to better, data-driven decisions and outcomes.

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Let’s answer them.
Is my data protected?
Application of innovative generative AI solutions to both front and back office operations led to a substantial increase in productivity, a marked improvement in customer experience, and the creation of new revenue streams for a leading expert network.
Will competitors benefit from my data? Is my data being used to train the models?
Your data will be used to improve your experience with our product, and no one else can see your data. Additionally, you can opt not to have your feedback used to improve your product experience.
Can I choose which large language models (LLMs) to use?
While we do not let customers specify which LLMs to call, rest assured that we utilize all the best-in-class LLMs, open source and proprietary. LLMs are being created and updated quickly, so let us handle the model management -- testing, fine-tuning and deploying the latest and greatest upgrades in AI. You focus on your core business!
How do you avoid hallucinations (made-up answers) by the LLM?
We utilize a variety of tools to minimize hallucinations, but two of the most important are using cited documents to force relevancy and leveraging our specialized knowledge graph for an additional layer of validation.